My rating: 6 out of 5 stars!!
This book was recommended to me by a friend who doesn't read a lot, but said she LOVED this book and everyone should read it. I thought that was a pretty amazing review for a non-bookie, so I reserved the Kindle edition of Heaven is for Real, by Todd Burpo at my library and had to wait several months for it. When it finally came in, I knew I'd never get to renew my library loan, so was on a strict 3 week deadline to get it read. (Don't you love how the simplest deadlines inspire you to get something done fast?) Well, it turned out there was no need for a deadline. I have a hard time putting my iTouch down as soon as I started reading.
Heaven is for Real is a wonderful TRUE story about a boy who almost died (or maybe did die for thee minutes). While his life was hanging on a limb, he had an amazing experience that could only be explained by the almighty God! I don't want to ruin too much of the book for you, so I'll leave it there- just go read it! It was a fast, easy read and you'll be thinking about it for months afterwards.
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